Gastric Balloon

Obesity is a grave concern in modern times. It does not only affect ones’ health but creates several mental problems as well. Because of being overweight, most people suffer severe blows on their self-confidence and social interactions. Many highly advanced medical solutions are available for losing weight thanks to the tremendous improvements in the medical field. The gastric balloon is one of the most sought-after non-surgical procedures of this genre. In this procedure, an expandable balloon is inserted into your stomach to give you the feeling of fullness to decrease your food intake significantly.

It’s done through endoscopic procedures, and our team will help you gain maximum benefit out of this with exceptional aftercare services. If you want to have this procedure to lose weight to your satisfaction, think about Hobbs Clinic, one of the leading Gastric balloon providers in Dubai.

Gastric Botox

Gastric Botox helps achieve weight loss by neutralizing the nerves and muscles connected to the appetite for a certain period. Applying the endoscopic technique get rid of any preliminary preparation used in surgical weight loss treatments. Normally the carbohydrate in our food remains in the stomach for 2-4 hours. But after Gastric Botox, that time period will be extended to up to 12 hours. It can reduce around 40% of the excess weight as you don’t feel the urge to run towards your food. And you can achieve your ideal weight loss goal within six to eight months.

Botox, a protein obtained from bacteria, was usually used for neurological diseases. Recently, Botox has been used for weight loss treatments, and its success has been overwhelming. You can reach your ideal weight quickly and permanently with Gastric Botox along with some lifestyle changes. Contact Hobbs Clinic to learn more about the most advanced Gastric Botox treatment in Dubai.